
A 1D Pong game implemented with an arduinon and neopixles

Project maintained by mattywausb Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


A 1D Pong game implemented with an arduino and neopixles




I have seen multiple implementations of 1D pong and want to collect the best ideas into one game.

Roadmap / Ideas

MK 1 - The tiny prototype

Initial implementation using a 12 pixel ring. The main effort will be to implement a module architecture that can be extended an modified easy with new features. The main challenge is to implement smooth movement with 16 bit integer arithmetic.

MK2 - scaling up

Extending the game to a longer pixel strip (depending on the money it will cost). This will give more options for some crazy variations (Moving bonus spots, labyriths, magnets, stacking of bonus elements, movement variations)
